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long suit 1.【牌戲】(手上的牌中)張數多的那一花色。2.長處,勝...

long tom

When requirements are met pure market maker system should not be used because of its shortcomings in nature , either . a better way to solve the problem is that we may adopt the long suits of the two trading system ; ( 5 ) the stopping transacting system : the writer suggests that it ' s the stock exchange that should decide which stock meet the requirement of stopping transacting ( 4 )在二板市場的交易制度上,由于我國的現實條件;筆者認同已出臺的創業板市場咨詢文件的觀點,即在二板市場設立之初,暫不實行報價驅動交易制度(做市商制度) ,而沿用委托指令驅動制度(競價交易制度) ,待條件成熟后再實行報價驅動交易制度(做市商制度) 。

I then urged the teachers to cease handing out the ordinary prizes and punishments , which were no longer suited to our children , and to confine themselves to directing them gently in their work 然后我敦促我的老師停止實施不再適合與我們學校孩子的那些通常的獎勵和處罰,并且在他們的柔和指導孩子的工作中約束自己。

The current management pattern of the chinese surveying and designing companies can no longer suit the new situation 隨著我國加入wto ,我國工程勘察設計單位的現行體制模式,已不適應形勢發展的要求。

You should modify a tableadapter query when it no longer suits the needs of your application 編輯tableadapter查詢。當tableadapter查詢不再適合應用程序的需要時,應修改該查詢。

Modesty is not his long suit 謙虛可不是他的長處

Play the highest card in your longest suit 打你手中最長套的大牌

Modesty is not his long suit . 謙虛可不是他的長處。